Day 5: My Husband


My Husband is the best thing that happened to me no joke.  I met him when I was 17 on a blind date and honestly didn’t really like him until I kissed him for the first time.  I knew then I wasn’t letting this kid go.

When I got married though I let go a bit…. okay let’s be real A LOT. I ate out a lot, went to too many happy hours, and got into baking especially eating my baked goods.

2 years ago I had a weight assessment with a personal trainer and never looked back.  Fitness is now a part of my life.  The one thing my husband comments on (in a positive light) is my backside.  I had never given thought to it until he noticed.

Women! Men like a lifted backside and it wasn’t until I started lifting that I realized men really notice this.  If you are married, or in a relationship don’t let yourself go like I did.  A few simple workouts a week and changes in your eating habits can really help you not gain weight as you get older. Its so easy to gain but so HARD to loose. Keep that spark in your relationship and try the workout below!

No Butts About It Workout

  • 15 Lunges
  • 15 Squats
  • 15 Bridges
  • Walk on a treadmill at an incline for 5mins
  • Repeat 4x

If you are at home or work try running up and down the stairs several times, or run up a hill.  Trust me you will feel it the next day and before you know it BAM lifted butt.

Let us know how it goes!

** I am not a certified personal trainer.  Consult your doctor before beginning any workout regimen.

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